To create your new action, activate the action panel (Window rActions).īefore starting, have a look at the basic recording tools in the action button bar: □ C _i ft Their functions are (from the left to right): Thus, an action is a sequence of steps (such as opening a file or setting a new image mode) in Photoshop. Creating a new action may be as easy as just recording the different Photoshop steps in your task. Photoshop actions are very useful tools to do repetitive tasks.

For more details, please refer to the Photoshop Help system). (The following is brief description how to create such an action. Important in file saving is selecting an output file format and various settings for that specific file format. ) start the conversion, make the setting for the target format, and finally save the file using the appropriate (preferred) image mode.

This action should open a file in ACR, apply all settings for the ACR workflow (selecting output Resolution, Depth, color Space, Size. To convert a number of RAW files efficiently with Photoshop CSi you must create your own Photoshop action.